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Our Team's Diversity&Equality in 2022

In 2018, at HappyPorch we thought a lot about where we are and where we would like to be in terms of Team diversity. When we started the BCorp certification process we started measuring our equality and diversity within the Team on a regular annual basis. 

We have definitely improved when compared to previous years and this is shown in our most recent completely anonymous Team survey "Equality&Diversity at HappyPorch". We received 11 out of possible 12 responses and the Team members who participated gave consent in reporting on all questions.

Here are the results:

Age category

Similar to previous years, we have most of the Team members in the middle brackets age category groups:

Age category chart


We improved in the gender diversity section when compared to the previous years:

Gender diversity chart


This category shows the Team members' various conditions such as visual or hearing impairments, physical disabilities, cognitive or learning disabilities and mental health conditions. There were no requirements about adjustments put in place in order to remove barriers to success:

Conditions chart


We are still largely a white group but we are improving at this category:

Ethnic origin chart

Sexual orientation

Most of the Team identify as being heterosexual/straight, a similar profile to previous years:

Sexual orientation chart


Most of the Team members are in the "No religion" and "Christian" category but we also have other religions. We will improve the options of possible responses in our future surveys:

Religion diversity chart


Most of the Team members attended government-funded schools between the age of 11-16:

Education between the age of 11-16 chart

Most of the parents and guardians of our Team members have Degree level education: 

Parent's education

We have different backgrounds when it comes to our parents' work history:

Parent work history chart

Most of the Team has a Degree level education:

Highest level of education chart


Most of the responders are not a primary care-giver for a child under 18 years although the percentage of the care-givers is rising:

Childcare chart

A small percentage of the Team looks after or cares for someone with a long term physical or mental ill health caused by disability or age:

Caring for someone with a long-term condition chart


Our current diversity is our current strength as a Team and our goal is to always continue improving. 

Picture of Marina Matic

About the author

Marina Matic

Marina enjoys assisting the Team with admin stuff and is very happy to work with such positive people and professionals and to learn from them! Besides that she loves to spend time in nature and travel around often!