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Exploring The Emergence Of Re-commerce In Fashion

Unlocking Sustainability in the Fashion Industry Through Technology

Webinar title image Exploring The Emergence Of Re-commerce In Fashion



Thank you to everyone who joined our webinar on the fast-growing re-commerce sector within the fashion industry. Your participation helped to make this session a great success!


We delved into discussion around the role of technology in scaling re-commerce, strategies for embedding circularity into fashion brands, overcoming challenges in the transition to a circular fashion industry and much more!

For those who couldn't attend or wish to revisit the insightful discussions, the recording of the webinar can be accessed here:

A huge thank you to our guest speakers, who brought a wealth of knowledge and real-world experiences to the table. If you wish to reach out to our guests, here are their contact details:



We also owe a huge thank you to our host, Barry O'Kane, founder of HappyPorch, whose knowledge and passion for web technology and circular economy made this great webinar happen.

If you have any questions, insights or you are just interested chatting about circular economy please reach out to Barry at [email protected] or just book a chat on this link.

We hope the insights gained from this webinar will inspire action as we journey towards a more sustainable tomorrow. Keep an eye out for our upcoming webinars!

About the author

Jana Pialkova

Hi, I'm Jana Pialkova, a versatile professional with a passion for sustainability and a knack for juggling multiple roles. As a Team Assistant, I wear many hats, from finance and marketing to handling administrative tasks. My diverse skill set allows me to support my team effectively and contribute to our success. In the world of finance, I help keep the numbers in check, ensuring smooth financial operations and resource management. When it comes to marketing, I bring creativity and strategy to the table, helping to promote our mission and connect with our audience.

But it doesn't stop there. My heart truly belongs to the planet, and I'm a staunch advocate for the circular economy. I believe that every little effort counts, and I'm dedicated to finding sustainable solutions in all aspects of our work.

Outside the office, you'll often find me exploring new corners of the world, immersing myself in a good book, and savouring the simple pleasures of life over a cup of coffee. I firmly believe that a well-rounded life leads to better creativity and productivity.
Let's work together towards a greener, more sustainable future. Feel free to reach out—I'm always up for a chat about sustainability, travel, or the latest book recommendations!