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Too many technical challenges, not enough resources?

Sometimes we take on interesting projects on a pro bono basis.

Here at HappyPorch we are driven by the ideal that our work should be valuable both financially and in a broader sense. We get most excited about work that improves the world around us in some impactful way. As a globally distributed and diverse team, our definitions of what this means can vary a lot. This is one of our strengths – we are happiest when we can use our diversity, our skills and expertise to have societal, environmental and/or ethical impact.

Of course, we do have to earn a living, and so financial sustainability matters as much to us as the people we are lucky enough to collaborate with. However, there are some projects that are just too amazing for us to turn down because of budget.

If you have an exciting, genuinely impactful web application (whether it’s an existing product or an idea), then we might be able to help.

Our pro bono partnership is only open to organisations who are making a positive impact in a charitable, environmental and/or social good way. We are particularly interested in organisations working towards poverty alleviation around the world and those supporting an underrepresented social group.

We are a small organisation and, as our capacity to take on pro bono work is limited, we carefully pick those projects where we have the ability to make the most impact.

Before requesting pro bono consideration, review the basics of what we do to determine if we might be the right partner to assist you.


We can/do We can’t/don’t
Work with organisations with a clear charitable, social or environmental purpose whose values align with ours. Work with organisations with no clear purpose or whose values don’t align with ours.
Work with organisations that we feel we can genuinely help progress their mission. Build you a free website.
We are better suited to working on more complex technical problems.
If you’re looking for just a free website, please see this article for advice.
Work with organisations when we have the time, capacity and/or skills to add value. Agree to work with you and then leave you in the dark when we get too busy with paid projects.



Feel we can genuinely add value to your organisation?

We review all applications as a team to determine fit with our values, capacity, and expertise. A member of our team will contact you for a consultation (free, of course) or to suggest alternatives if we cannot assist.